Rona’s Remedies

For years, I’ve traveled the globe, dispensing natural remedies to friends, family and followers, in my books, talks, writing, media appearances and in person.

In Cusco, Peru, a guide moved me deeply when he said that he will always remember me, after I taught him a simple trick to cure hiccups, which he had suffered from for years. (Take nine small sips of water, in rapid succession, or, pinch the inside of your wrist and hold it for a count of 60 to 100 seconds.)

I am a solution-seeker, a DIYer, someone who takes things into my own hands, but I have also had incredible access to many wise and wonderful people who have helped further my education in so many ways. I’ll be drawing on the collected wisdom of years to share my own Rona’s Remedies here, along with those I’ve picked up from experts along the way.

These remedies will be practical and abstract. They will include ways to heal mind, body and spirit, on the road and at home. They will apply to individuals (self-care) and families. And there will be many beauty tips and tricks–gleaned from my many years as a beauty expert and New York Times beauty columnist and bestselling author.

Who knows, eventually you may want to reach out and ask me for something specific–or share your own remedies, too!